permsPermissions of the command.
Select an adapter to handle Discord API interactions.
Select an adapter to handle Discord.js interactions.
Select an adapter that registers without handling.
Add arguments to the command via template syntax. This method is a template tag, and is used differently than a normal function. If you want to add arguments via a normal function, use Command#options() instead.
The custom syntax is as follows:
// With square brackets, you can
// add an optional argument:
// With less/greater than signs, you can
// add a required argument:
// With nothing surrounding it, you can
// add subcommands and subgroups:
command.args`${subgroup} ${subcommand} <${arg}>`
// Add multiple arguments at once:
command.args`<${arg1}> <${arg2}> [${arg3}]`
...argOptions: ArgumentTranslator[]Set localized descriptions for the command.
Set localized names for the command.
The non-template equivalent of Command#args(). Add arguments to the command without the terseness of template syntax.
The usage is as follows:
// Add an argument:
// Add multiple arguments at once:
command.options(subcommand, arg1, arg2)
...argOptions: ArgumentTranslator[]Note: this requires arguments created with opts
to define the req
property to determine if they are required.
Generated using TypeDoc
Create, configure, and handle a command.